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Q: Are there any words in English with two consecutive stressed syllables?
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What are stressed first syllables?

It refers to words that are stressed on the first syllable.

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What does it mean for a syllable to be stressed?

stressed syllables are the syllables within a word that have the most emphasis when spokenfor example:other - the syllable "oth" is stressed and the syllable "er" is not because "er" is pronounced less that "oth"the "er" tends to sound as if it were falling away at the end of the wordcompound words tend to be double stressed because both syllables are pronounced equallyfor examplechildhood- both "child" and "hood" are pronounced fullyyou can tell which syllable is stressed by saying the word naturallyIn words of two syllables or more, at least one of the syllables is usually pronounced with extra emphasis. We can divide syllables into stressed and unstressed categories.

Are there any disyllabic words with no stressed syllables?

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Give 30 examples of words with stressed syllables?

It's actually more difficult to find words without stressed syllables. You asked for thirty, but here are five examples for you:THIR-tyex-AM-plesSYL-la-blesSEN-ten-cesZOM-bies

The stressed syllables in words are called?

I do not know of a specific name for a word's stressed syllable. However, sometimes people use the phrase "accented syllable" instead of "stressed syllable."

How much syllables does the words revising English have together?

It has 5 syllables.

What are the stressed syllables in the words president international ornament interview?

First, third, first, first, respectively.

The importance of stress in English?

It is important to stress the correct syllable in English words because:1) There is a customary way to pronounce words. If you stress syllables that are not normally stressed, or do not stress the syllables that are normally stressed, the hearer may not readily understand what you are saying.Compare hor-I-zon with HOR-izon, and EM-phasis, with em-PHA-sis!2) The stress changes the meaning of some words:Compare desert, desert and dessert!IF you do not stress the correct syllables you will probably still be understood by most native speakers. However, communication will be so much easier if words are spoken as they are normally spoken, i.e. with the stress on the correctsyllables.

Word with 3 consecutive e?

There are no words in th English language that contain three consecutive Es. There are no words in the English language that contain a triple grouping of any letter.

Is English a tonal language?

No. English is not a tonal language. French is unaccented. Every syllable is pronounced the same. Spanish has accents. Some syllables have more stress. Spoken English has accented or stressed syllables like Spanish. While English will stress a syllable, it does not change tone to distinguish between words. Changes in pitch in spoken English are used to emphasize certain words with a lowering in pitch used to indicate the ending of a declarative sentence. The raising of pitch indicates the end of a question.