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Yes, besides dates in the Sahara, there are several cacti in the American deserts that produce edible fruit.

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Q: Are there fruits in the desert?
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Cactus fruits

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Food in the desert?

In the desert the main edibles are the fruits of cacti, most of which are safe to eat. You can also find legumes which are bean bearing plants.

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With the help of sand animals and trees and fruits of sahara desert and oasis scene and nile river

What kind of food are there in the desert?

Most experts agree that the main edibles are in the fruits of the cacti and legumes. All cactus fruits are safe to eat. The legumes are the bean bearing plants.

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im not nuts your nuts wait im a girl.........i thik

Which fruit is edible in the desert?

The fruits of a number of cacti are edible as well as dates from date palms. The seed pods of the mesquite are also edible.

Why can oasis be a lifesaver to travellers lost in the desert?

An oasis can **be a lifesaver to travellers lost in the desert because travellers can relax in the shade, slake their thirst, wash away sand and dust, and perhaps enjoy a few native fruits. It is the only spring in desert where it **provides a habitat for plants, which in turn a habitat for humans and animals.****

Why Date palm is useful to the desert dwellers?

Because it thrives well under conditions of water scarcity and gives us nutritious sweet fruits.

What do Sahara desert nomads use for food?

Sahara desert nomads eat foods that include goat meat, milk, dates, rice, and dried fruits. Nomads usually herd animals like goats from which they get their meat and milk. The other foods are carried by these people.

How can you use both the word desert and dessert on one sentence?

On a luxury safari in the desert we had cream cake for dessert.The desert was barren, we could find no fruit to eat as dessert.Planning a day trip into the desert for a BBQ party in addition to steak, lamb chops and sausages we took fruit cake and tins of custard to enjoy as dessert.