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Yes there are Platypuses in some Australian zoos and animal sanctuaries, but there are strict regulations on these places keeping platypuses.

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Q: Are there platypuses in Australian zoos?
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Related questions

Are there platypuses in Canada?

No, there are definitely no platypuses in Canada, either in the wild or in zoos. Platypuses are only found in the eastern half of the Australian continent, including Tasmania.

Are there any zoos in England with platypuses?

No, none outside of Australia. There are very strict and complicated legal issues surrounding ownership and export of platypuses. Even Australian zoos themselves have a hard time getting permission to keep them. They are best at surviving in the unique Australian ecosystem.

Are there platypuses in England?

No. Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia, meaning they are not found anywhere else. No English zoos have platypuses either. As of 2013, there are no zoos outside of Australia that have platypuses.

Does France have platypuses?

No. France has no platypuses, either in the wild or in any zoo. There are currently no platypuses in zoos outside of Australia.

What should you feed a platypus?

As platypuses may not be kept as pets, the question is irrelevant. Platypuses feed on tiny invertebrates such as annelid worms, crustaceans and insect larvae. The only places qualified to keep platypuses are some Australian zoos and animal sanctuaries. These places must follow strict regulations for keeping platypuses in captivity.

Do platypuses breed when in captivity?

Rarely. Very few zoos or sanctuariies have successfully bred platypuses in captivity. One of Australia's premier zoos, Taronga Zoo, only achieved success breeding platypuses after twenty years.

Are platypuses easy to look after?

No. Platypuses are wild animals with specialised needs. Very few zoos are equipped to cater properly to their needs, so that is why there are very few in overseas zoos.

Why do platypuses need to be in a zoo?

Platypuses do not need to be in a zoo. They thrive in their native habitat, and they are not endangered. Zoos are not good places for platypuses as it is still rare for platypuses to breed in captivity.

Are platypuses Australian?


Does the Cheyenne mountain zoo in Colorado have platypuses?

No. In 2013, there are no platypuses in zoos anywhere outside of Australia. Platypuses are native Australian animals, and therefore protected by law. Only a limited number of facilities in Australia keep them for either display or research purposes, and there are very strict government controls on the housing and keeping of these monotremes.

Why aren't platypuses in US zoos?

Australia has very strict controls on the keeping of platypuses for either display purposes or research. Even within Australia, there are very few sabctuaries where platypuses are permitted to be kept - so controls are even stricter for overseas zoos.

Are platypuses wild or domesticated and why?

Platypus are wild, not domesticated. They are protected native Australian animals, so they may not be kept as pets. In addition, they have very specialised needs which cannot be met if they are kept as pets. Even zoos and sanctuaries with special licences to keep platypuses under the correct conditions have had minimal success in breeding platypuses in captivity, as they are very sensitive to changes in their environment.