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Well and this is jusy my personal opinion, the euphoric state and level of concentration your able to obtain while taking Adderall is obviously more potent than that of caffeine and coming off of adderall besides the occasional emotional mood swing is free of the drop in energy that caffeine induces. If you look aside from the chemical differences adderall is a safer alternative to taking the high amounts of caffeine it would take to even acheive anywhere close to the feeling that adderall gives you or the ability to concentratrate and focus on specific tasks which I don't think caffeine would allow because of it's difference. Caffine seems too be a mild stimulant where as adderall is a prescribed medication specifically designed to help with a problem. It makes the differences easier to see perhaps from an athletice perspective, I can play with my adderall as I monitor my intake when I play as where caffeine would only eventually hamper my play, regardless of the dosage because of it's physical effect on my body. So I would say that yes there is a significant difference between the too. Trust me I play better with a little adderall and a healthly diet than with a couple cokes that don't allow me that great a level of concentration for me. Cokes are great any other time as well though. Hope I helped a little. Wish you the best of luck. God bless.

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People who notice a mild increase in focus and concentration after ingesting caffeine or nicotine also seem to have a positive response to the commonly prescribed stimulants to treat add | adhd, such as Adderall and Ritalin.

Here are a few questions and comments for you to consider. Before you started Strattera, have you actually had positive increases in concentration/relaxation after you had caffeine (or nicotine)? If so, if you have not tried conventional stimulants then you may want to discuss the idea with your doctor as those might work better for you than Strattera, or Strattera enhanced by caffeine. If Strattera is the best option for you, Coffee may or may not help you. If you are like me, then it probably won't. I'm on Strattera and caffeine increases my tendency to daydream and lose focus. I believe this is because Strattera actually influences a different neurotransmitter than Adderall, Ritalin, etc... or caffeine for that matter.

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You might want to call your local pharmacy. They will be able to help you.

Will Strattera help with impulsivity?

Strattera helps with many of the different symptoms of AD/HD. One of the most common symptoms that Strattera treats and helps to reduce is impulsivity.

You am a 23 year old maleI recetnly started taikng srtattera for concentration does it help ove rtime you have been on it 1 week you feel dizzy or like im in a fog will this med help with memory?

Strattera can help with concentration and memory problems. It takes approximately 7-10 days to see an effect. Dizziness is a normal side effect that should lessen.

Is extreme sleepiness a side effect of Strattera and does it go away after a few days?

I Was sleeping everyday on my lunch hour while taking Strattera, It made me feel dopey but it did help a little with concentration issues strangely enough. Just switched to metatdate...hope it works better. N One of the side effects of Strattera is fatigue, but this is not considered a permanent side effect and should resolve itself in two or three weeks as your body becomes accustomed to the drug. When you increase your dose or go off Strattera for a day or more, the fatigue may kick back in as your body re-adjusts, but for most users, this side-effect eventually goes away. Every person is different, though, and if you are taking other drugs, there could be interactions with them that will cause unexpected side effects.

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Strattera is usually taken for ADD. It can affect appetite, therefore making u lose weight.

Will eating something sour improve concentration in listening?

There are no flavors that help improve concentration. The only thing that has been proven to make you more alert is caffeine - either a small cup of coffee or tea. The main thing to improve your concentration is your attitude - if you decide to pay attention better, you'll do it.

Can you take excedrin during a heart attack?

I am wondering this also, I am not a physician so I wouldn't know what to recommend. Taking 2 excedrin is like taking: 1 500mg Aspirin 1 500mg Tylenol & 1 cup of coffee (caffeine) I know the Aspirin will help, I don't think the Tylenol will hurt, and it comes down to the caffeine. Would you caffeine help or hurt a heart attack? I know caffeine will cause the heart to beat faster. I guess a physician can let us know his opinion on the matter.

Does Strattera help with depression and anxiety in childrn?

If Strattera works for your child, it may improve attentiveness and decrease hyperactivity/impulsivity Strattera can improve ADHD symptoms in children in the classroom setting as reported by teachers in a clinical study

Can either taking or withdrawing from Strattera cause delusional thinking or strange feelings with motion?

Absolutely, terrible mood swings, irritability and withdrawal has caused anger and rage. If you see these symptoms, please have your physician notify the FDA of advser effects. It will help others make decisions on whether to prescribe or take Strattera

Does Strattera help with focusing?

: No, it should not. It should cause you to be more focused. Keep in mind that Strattera has been shown to cause depression and suicidal thoughts in children.

You just started taking Strattera you are 46 yr old female and you started on 40 mg daily you started 3 days ago and you cannot stay awake does this pass help?

uhm bobaloo?

Will Strattera help for concentration and memory over time and is it normal if you have been on it for one week and you feel dizzy and like you're in a fog?

You have to wait about a month on a normalish long-term dose to feel the effects. When you start out its like a sleeping pill.