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yes they are because they can let fruit grow and they grow every spring till October if you didn't know that then you are not very smart you should go back to school.

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Q: Are trees nonrenewable or renewable resources?
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What are some Q and A about non renewable and renewable resources?

Q. What are some nonrenewable resources? A. Some nonrenewable resources are fossil fuels. Q. What are some renewable resources? A. Some renewable resources are trees, fish, oil, gold, copper and bronze.

Why is it important you use renewable resources not nonrenewable resources?

because non renewable resources are different and once there gone we can't get them back, for example trees are renewable cuz when you cut one you can plant another and it will grow again.

What could cause a renewable natural resources to become a nonrenewable resources?

Trees are a natural renewable resource, but if we don't grow (and nourish to maturity) more trees to replace them, they then become a non-renewable resource.

Is oil a nonrenewable or a renewable resources?


What is a resource that can be replaced after it is used?

renewable or renewable resource

What are some renewable and nonrenewable resources in Italy?

Renewable and nonrenewable resources are basically the same all countries.

Is a renewable resource used over and over again?

A renewable resource is a resource like trees that never runs out. Oil is not a renewable resources because it can not be "replanted," or renewed like trees. Nonrenewable resources will run out some day.

Why do different countries consume different amounts of renewable and nonrenewable resources?

They consume different amounts of renewable and nonrenewable resources because there countries are different and because they don't have the same renewable and nonrenewable resources

How are nonrenewable and renewable formed?

nonrenewable resoses are fossil fules and renewable reaoses are trees

Is trees a renewable resource or a nonrenewable resource?


Is geothermal a renewable or nonrenewable resource?

Geothermal Resources are renewable resources.

Are minerals that recycle extremely slowly nonrenewable resources or renewable resources?

Nonrenewable resources.