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Q: Are vaccines used to convey immunity to diseases?
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What type of immunity are antibodies given to a person?

Artificially acquired Active- vaccines (active or live viruses that are lifelong immunity) Artificially acquired Passive - gamma globulin injection that is temporary (used for overseas trips)

Are vaccines effective before or after infection?

Vaccines are used to prevent infection; to create immunity so you do not get the infectious disease if you are later exposed to it after the vaccination has rendered you immune. If you already have caught the infection, vaccines will not be needed since the infection itself will provide immunity once the sickness is over. Anti-viral medicines are used after an infection to lessen the symptoms and speed recovery. See the related questions below for additional information.

Do vaccines work against viruses and bacteria?

No. Vaccines are not used for treatment. They are used as prevention.

When do you use vaccines?

Vaccines are used to prevent infectious diseases. You use them before you get sick to avoid illness. Some vaccines are for use seasonally (e.g., flu vaccines) and some are used only at certain ages in the normal vaccination schedules. It depends very much on the type of vaccine and the diseases they are intended to prevent, the age of the patient, and the location where the patient lives and/or travels. Your health care professional can provide you a listing of the recommended types of and times for the vaccinations recommended for you.

Are dead viruses used to fight diseases?

It's a weakened form of the virus used to fight diseases, they are used to make your immune system stronger. It is used instead of the live virus which might cause the disease. They are more commonly used in vaccines.

Are vaccines only used for viruses?

I'm not an expert, but from what I can gather, vaccinations are used for both virus' and pathogenic bacteria (harmful bacteria). Vaccines contain a section/segment of the virus or bacteria (for example a flagella) to infect the body. The body then produces memory cells so that the body has an immunity against the virus or bacteria (note that this immunity may not last a lifetime).

What is the meaning of titres disease?

Titers are related to diseases and are only significant if elevated. Disease titers levels are used to determine ones immunity.

How was the ican empire conquered?

The Inca Empire was conquered by the Spanish who used guns (which the Inca did not have) and were ruthless. The alo brought European diseases which did not existed in South America and the natives had no immunity for. Scores of natives died of these diseases.

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Gelidium amansii is used to for the culture of bacteria and fungi. This helps humans by being able to develop vaccines and medicines for diseases.

What is the differences between vaccine and injections?

Injections are given for treatment while vaccines are given to produce antbodies to protect the recipients from specific diseases

What medium is used to convey data symbols?

Data source is used to convey data symbols.