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oil based paint IS combustible when the temperature gets too high. Keep it in a cooler area and you'll be fine.

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Q: Are waste oil based paint combustible or flammable?
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No, not as liquids. Latex paint is a water-based suspension, 'oil' paint is either a petro-chemical (i.e. paint thinner) or 'natural' (i.e. linseed) oil-based suspension. If you already tried to mix the 2, it can't even be recycled. Consult the local (county) recycling/waste disposal authority for proper disposal.

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Col, Oil and Combustible, Renewable and waste for exampledonno if I'm right do you? ;)

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What takes 80 to 100 years to break down if it exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun?

non-combustible waste