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I believe that in the eyes of the government, you are not an independent until you are married or at least 24 years of age.

Or have a dependent (child) yourself (regardless of marital status).

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Q: Are you independent if you support yourself with no parental assistance?
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There is no minimum age. Financial independence refers to your ability to financially support yourself without assistance from anyone else.

Can you file yourself to terminate parental rights in Georgia?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

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If they are willing to be emancipated, as than they will have that right. see links

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If you relinquish your parental rights, you are still not going to get child support payments. The child support is for the child.

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Termination of parental rights is effective only after a court approves it. If all you did was sign a document relinquishing parental rights, but no court ever approved termination of parental rights, you could still be required to pay child support.

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to be an independent adult means that you are able to support your self with a home, and that you are able to provode yourself the food you need without anyone's help.

Does Wounded Warriors pay child support?

No. The basic premise of the organization is to assist veterans and/or their families to become independent via education, employment assistance, counseling, etc.

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None, actually. Besides the United States recognizing Mexico as an independent country -- with the true aim of acquiring land from Mexico -- no other nation offered assistance in any way.

Can a father relinquish parental right and not pay child support in sc?

Relinquishing one's parental rights does not terminate one's child support obligation.

Does a father have to stop paying support after relinquishing all parental rights in Connecticut?

Relinquishing parental rights does not terminate support; however, generally, adoption does.

Do you pay child support if you relinquish your parental rights in RI?

Yes, voluntarily relinquishing your parental rights does not excuse you from having to pay child support.

Is child support public assistance?

No. Public assistance is paid from public funds. Child support is paid by individual obligors.