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Yes you will still be protected during the placebo pills week as long you took your pills everyday at the same thorughout active pills. Be sure that you have been on Birth Control for at least 3 months before you attempt to do so.

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Q: Are you still protected in the week you have off from taking the contraception pill?
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Are you still protected while taking the placebo pill?


How much of a gap do you leave with the pill?

With the 21 day pill, you leave a gap of 7 days. As long as you have been taking your pills as directed, you do not need additional contraception for the non pill-taking days.

You have been on the pill for a month had un protected sex and stopped taking the pill Can you still get pregnant?

Oh yes you can. The fact you were only on it a month means it was just getting effective and you HAVE to keep taking it to have it WORK. These are not magic and require a daily pill everyday.

Im having protected sex and am taking birth control can i still get prenant the day i take my sugar pill?

It is highly unlikely.

Would i still be protected by my combo birth control pill if i have a soft loose stool 2-4 hours after taking it?


If the girl took the pill on June and then July can she get pregnant on December?

yes you have to keep taking the pill that's the only way your protected. if you stop taking the pill you can get pregnant.

You are on the pill and have never missed a day your boyfriend and you always use withdrawal but last week you had your period and was always taking amoxicillin for a cold you still had sex?

As it was your week off the pill (or taking sugar pills) you are still protected. Incidentally unless you have some other reason for taking amoxicillin it will have no effect on a cold.

Is quinine a contraception pill?

yes it is

If you are a teenager and your breasts are still growing and you take the pill and they grow even more will they get smaller again if you stop taking the pill?

no because if you stop taking the pill they still be big.

Can a girl get pregnant on her 2nd month of taking a pill?

Sure you can. Even if you take your pill everyday at the same time as recommended, there is still a chance you can get pregnant. Of course, many don't take their pill at the same time each day and sometimes forget a day or two. No contraception is 100% effective. Your chance is very low if you take it as recommended, but there IS still a chance of pregnancy.

Can you become pregnant if your on the pill and use a condom?

It is possible though highly unlikely if you are using the condom properly and taking your pill consistently every night at the same time. And note that taking antibiotics can decrease the effectiveness of your pill by a lot, so always be sure to use a back up form of contraception while on the pill.

Can someone still get pregnant on the pill?

yes as the pill is only 99% accurate, which means that if you have sex 100 times, then it is likely that one of those times you will be pregnant as nothing is perfect, it is probably still the best contraception you can get