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A six month old betta is already full grown and able to breed. As long as they're not fancy guppies with long bright fins they may be okay, some bettas are just more aggressive than others.

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Q: Are young betta's aggressive I have a new betta around 6 months and want to buy guppies and i figured if they aren't as aggressive when they are young he might not eat them or kill them?
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Related questions

Are guppies compatible with female bettas?

In most cases, it is not recommended to keep guppies with female bettas. Female bettas can be quite territorial and may perceive the guppies as intruders. This could lead to aggression and potential harm to the guppies. It's generally best to house guppies with other peaceful, non-aggressive fish species.

Are guppies compadable with betta fish?

No, bettas will often eat the guppies.

Would bettas live with guppies?

Yes, with lots of plants in the tank

Can you have guppies on 1side of your tank and bettas on the other?

Provided the tank is large enough to house them all (1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water) Guppies and Bettas should get along OK.

What is the easyest fish to breed?

guppies there like rabbits and bettas are very hard to breed

How do bettas breed if they're so aggressive?

they just do, the males are aggressive getting the females attention

Is it necessary to use filter for baby guppies?

every fish should have a filter exept bettas

What fish live with Betta?

Betta fish can flourish in a community tank, however because they are at times aggressive fish (males especially) correct pairing is crucial. Bettas usually get along well with neon or cardinal tetras, platies, mollies, guppies. Stay away from tiger barbs and cichlids, they tend to pick on or even kill bettas.

What fish get along with guppys in a10 gallon tank?

Almost any community fish will do fine with guppies. Bettas are not a good idea with guppies because they will fight each other.

What steps should you take if you want to breed Bettas and what Bettas should you mate and you know this is a complicated process?

i wouldn't recomend breeding bettasAnswerI would breed guppies first so you know what to do to breed bettas later on+ it takes a lot of money,space and time.

Can you put female bettas in with parrotfish?

If the parrot fish is aggressive or big enough to swallow it whole.

Will a betta fish kill a guppy fish?

Bettas have a lot more personality than guppies, and require less space (5 gallon+). However, I have had boredom and tail biting issues with mine, so I had to upgrade to a 10 gallon tank with pygmy cories to stop him being bored. This is a risky move as many bettas are aggressive and won't accept tank mates. Guppies require 10 gallon+ tanks, and are stunning creatures. However, they are less intelligent and have less personality than bettas. Both fish require a heated and filtered tank, and no matter what you decide it is of upmost importance that you do a fishless cycle to create a healthy bacterial colony before you add any fish. Without doing this your fish will be in pain from ammonia and nitrite spikes and may die.