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Q: As a wave of electrical depolarization moves parallel to the direction of a lead if it moves towards the positive pole of the lead a?
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Related questions

What does depolarization of the heart mean?

It is a positive wave in the hearts muscle cells, the process of electrical discharge and the flow of electrical activity.

What does the electrical charge on the inside of the axon become when depolarization occurs?

During depolarization, sodium ions rush into the axon, making the inside negative, and the outside positive.

The p wave of the electrocardiogram is a signal from?

The P wave on ECG corresponds to electrical depolarization of the atria. It should be positive in lead II and negative in aVR when the P wave originates in the sinoatrial node.

What is the direction of electrical current flow?

Negative to positive.

How is the electrical charge inside the neuron?

Neurons send messages electrochemically and all chemicals in the body are electrically-charged. When neurons inside the body are electrically-charged, they are called ions. When a neuron is at rest, or not electrically-charged, the inside is negative and the outside is positive.

Depolarization involves a neuron becoming?

becoming more positive

When a positive charge is applied to the inside of an axon what is the effect is called?


What are the major positive electrolytes responsible for depolarization?

k, na, ca, mg

What is depolorization?

Depolarization is a change in a cell's membrane potential, making it more positive, or less negative. In neurons and some other cells, a large enough depolarization may result in an action potential.

What is equivalent positive flow in a circuit?

Positive electrical flow is electrons flowing in one direction in a wire, if they change the direction of flow that would be a negative flow. If they change direction quickly, say 60 times a second, that would be alternating current, which is what we have in the united states as household electricity.

What means the direction of current flow?

Electrical current flow through a circuit is normally from negative toward positive.

Two lines with positive slopes are parallel?

It depends if they have the same positive slope if yes then they are parallel.