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Q: At clan wars in Runescape after a battle do you get runes back?
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Do you lose runes at the clan wars?

yes you do

How do you get back into a runescape clan that you have been kicked out of?

It is the privilege of the clan owner to accept or reject members. Either try to make friends with the clan owner, or create some other clan (or start your own clan).

What is Clan Wars in RuneScape?

Clan Wars is a minigame in Runescape. To reach it, you must head into the Wilderness, north of Varrock. It has three main components: a battle between two clans (most popular), a safe free-for-all, and a dangerous free-for-all. If you are not a member of a clan, you can still join one when you get there.

How do you fuse a clan with another clan runescape?

You tell all the members of one clan to switch to the other clan.

How do you do Booting on RuneScape?

you have to be a leader of a clan

What is a clan in RuneScape?

a clan is a group of people that make a group or clan to fight in clan wars against other clans

How do you make a clan on Runescape?

Think of a clan name, then get people to join, simple.

How do you make a clan citadel in runescape?

Get five clan members to stand on the rifts in the clan place under falador.

In runescape how do you join a grand-exchange clan?

Find a person advertising the clan at G.E

HOW do you open a clan in runescape Be specific?

you could always just go to clan setup and say clan name and options

You wana join a clan on runescape?

no thank you i have my own clan Another reply: Anybody can create a clan. You can join somebody else's clan if they allow you.

How do you get runescape clan signature?

If u want to make a clan name go to the clan chat icon then go clan setup then write your clan name no, i want to make a clan signature not a clan.