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Q: At what age does the human fetus reach half its full mass?
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Is Renesmee a full vampire or a full human?

She's both. A vampire from Edward and a human from her mum. She's half human half vampire.

Is Inuyasha a werewolf?

Inuyasha is a half dog demon and half human. His dad was a Full dog demon while his mother was human, which makes Inuyasha a half demon.

A certain tree duoubled its height every day it took100 days for the tree to reach its full height How many days did it take it to reach half its full height?

99 days

What is the term 'Full-blood' to werewolves and lycans?

A full-blood is a lycan, a hard core half wolf half human. pretty much the purebreds of the human/wolf world. A Half-blood is a werewolf who has less control of their wolf half and on the first few changes, are uncontrollable but, werewolves can sustain more human emotion than a lycan in a change.

When will renesmee turn into a full vampire?

actually i don't think she does.....she is half vampire like edward and half human likk Bella when Bella was human...but you never know!

What does a embryo look like a 2 and a half months?

at 2 and a half months its not an embryo anymore its already implated intself into the uterine lining and becomes a fetus. but the fetus is about and inch and a half long by then i would say.

Goku is a saiyan or a human?

Goku is a full saiyan but Gohan, Goten, Trunks, are Half Saiyans

Why is it important to reduce the chromosome number by half during mytosis?

mytosis creates sex cells - either eggs (in girls) or sperm (in boys). They have 1/2 the number of chromosomes. When an egg and sperm combine, they create one full cell - one half plus one half = one whole. The fetus is created from that one full cell.

Is Inuyasha a full-demon?

No,Inuyasha is a half demon. His mother was a human and his father was a demon. I hope that helped.

Is it possible that the fetus can gain 2 and one half pounds in one week?

Is it possible that a fetus in utero can gain two and one half pounds in one week during your 38th week?

How many days does it take for a full moon to reach a half moon?

accurately, its 14.75 days, but i guess you can count it as 15 days.

What is its name when your half dog half human?

Half human-half dog is called a youkai. half human-half fox is called kitsune