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When she hits menopug! Ha! Bad joke and I know it. Sorry.

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Q: At what age does your pug stop getting pregnant?
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What is the best age to get a pug?

The best age to get a pug is when the dog is a baby so the dog can know you better.Rather than going to the pet store and getting a pug at the age of 5 or 6 because the dog wouldn't really know you.

Can a male pug get a female chihuahua pregnant?

Yes, as long as the chihuahua is "in heat" and they get "hung" (which you will know), the pug can get the chihuahua pregnant.

How do you stop a bull from charging?

Don't pug him in.

How do you know the age of a pug?

Most vets can tell a pretty close guess. Some will for free.

How can you stop a male pug from licking a female pug?

separate them other wise you can't it's biology

Is there any shampoo to stop a shedding pug?


Do pug dogs tails curl different from male to female?

it doesn't make a difference but if a pug is pregnant the tail will be thicker and will not curl like i usually dose a perfect pug tail has to curls

How can you stop your pug from peeing on your bed every night?

put in on the floor.

How do you break your Pug from getting in the garbage?

you can try bitter apple spray. My pug used to have an issue with getting into garbage cans but after a few weeks of spraying the bitter apple spray around the rim of the garbage can she stopped going near it.

What is better white pugs or black pugs?

Oh! Are you getting a pug I go with black my black pug is the greatest his name is sunny so go for black enjoy your dog if your getting one:]]]]]]] Or go with what you think good luck

How do you know if your pug is going to have puppies?

You'll know because the pug might be acting funny, and it will get lazier and maybe even more defensive of itself. Also, like when people are pregnant, their stomach will start to bulge more than usual. That's how you know if your pug is going to have puppies.

What age is a pug consider a senior?

Pugs are considered seniors at seven years old