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It is possible for an egg to be fertilised at any time of a woman cycle. However, considering a woman release an egg on the fourtheenth day of her cycle (aka 7 days after her last period), it is much more likely around and after that day.

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6mo ago

It is possible for an egg to get fertilized during the fertile window, which generally occurs around the time of ovulation. Ovulation usually happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle, approximately 14 days before the start of the next menstrual period. However, it's important to note that sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for up to 5 days, so fertilization may occur if intercourse takes place a few days before ovulation.

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Q: At what stage during the menstrual cycle is it possible for an egg to get fertilized?
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How does the uterus change during the menstrual cycle?

The uterus prepares for the arrival of a fertilized egg.

What happens in the menstrual cycle if an egg is fertilized?

If the egg is fertilized and results in pregnancy then the menstrual cycle stops. The menstrual cycle exists to allow pregnancy to occur, so when pregnant no need for it to continue.

What does estrogen do during the menstrual cycle?

Estrogen causes the lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for receiving a fertilized egg.

Why is the menstrual cycle so important?

The menstrual cycle is where the woman release an egg. If the egg is fertilized, she will become pregnant and produce a child. The menstrual cycle is important for human reproduction.

Can you ovulate during a menstrual cycle?

Menstrual cycle refers to your entire reproductive cycle - you always ovulate during your menstrual cycle, typically this occurs two weeks before you menstruate. You can't ovulate during menstruation - although this doesn't mean that you can't be fertile during menstruation.

What is the purpose of a cycle?

The main purpose of the menstrual cycle is to prepare the female body for reproduction or pregnancy. During this time, a new egg is fertilized. If a woman is not pregnant, the uterus will shed.

Briefly outline the steps in a womans menstrual cycle?

During a woman's menstrual cycle, she will begin to ovulate. During ovulation, the ovary releases an egg. If the egg is not fertilized, it will continue to make its way down into the uterus. The uterus will begin to shed its lining since it is not needed. The lining of the uterus and the egg will be expelled from the vagina. This step of the menstrual cycle is what is refered to as the period.

In which days of menstrual cycle pregnancy occur?

Any. Pregnancy occurs when the ovum/egg is present and gets fertilized by the sperm. Technically the ovum/egg is being flushed out during mentration. Chances are lower but still possible.

Why ESR is higher during menstrual cycle?

It is higher due to the blood loss and possible anemia.

What happens to the egg follicle the ovary?

A mature follicle will be released during ovulation and travel to the uterus. If is it fertilized, then it will implant in the uterine wall. If it does not then it will be passed out of the body during the menstrual cycle.

How is the fetus related to the menstrual cycle?

The fetus isn't really related to the menstrual cycle.The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, you will produce an egg and uterine lining plumps up to prepare for possible pregnancy - if you conceive then the fertilized egg/zygote travels down to the uterus and implants itself. A fetus is a name given to the 'baby' towards the end of pregnancy.

When does the fertilized egg implant into the uterus?

It takes place during the menstrual cycle, and the process is called ovulation. (Another name for the fertilized egg is a 'zygote') Ovulation is not a fertilized egg. Ovulation is the release of an unfertilized egg. The fertilized egg implants about 6-8 days after ovulation