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Bacteria are prokaryotes, a type of cell that lacks a nucleus, meaning bacterial DNA are not separated from the rest of the cell as is the case in eukaryotes. Animal cells, including humans, are eukaryotes.

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15y ago
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13y ago

All bacteria are prokatyotic cells(:

i just answered my own question!

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9y ago

All bacteria are classified as prokaryotes. Bacteria is based on its cell structure. Bacteria can be both beneficial and harmful to humans.

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Are bacterial cells eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Bacteria cells are prokaryotes. Cells without nuclei.

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Bacteria are made of Prokaryotic cells, since they are Prokaryotic.

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Prokaryote cells have cell walls, but no chloroplast. An example of a prokaryote is bacteria.

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White blood cells engulfing and destroying disease-causing bacteria is an example of immunity.

Is bacteria an example of eukaryotic cells?

No, bacterial cell is a prokaryotic cell. It has primitive kind of nucleus which does not have a nuclear membrane and the DNA strand is present in the cytoplasm.

What is a example of a prokaryotic cell?

Prokaryotic cells are cells that lack membrane bound cells and contain a single circular DNA strand. All organisms in the Kingdoms Archea and Monera are prokaryotic (bacteria and Cyanobacteria.) hope that helps

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Any kind of Bacteria, bacteria is one celled and doesn't have a nucleaus

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yes bacteria is a single celled organisms.

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Ribosomes are found in every cell... Plant cells, Animal cells, and Bacteria cells.

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the neutrophis they are known as pus cells

Is there a cell with all organelles?

no they dont Yes, for example chloroplasts are not found in all the cells.

Cells without a nucleus are called?

Cells without a nucleus are called prokaryotic cells. If a eukaryotic cells does not have a nucleus, it is called an anucleate.