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They carry negative charge and are repelled by negatively charged cell structures. Basic dyes are opposite (carry positive charge) and are attracted to negatively charged cell structures.

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Q: Bacterial cell Acidic dyes carry what charge?
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Why does nigrosin not stain bacterial cells?

Because Nigrosin is an acidic dye--carries a negative charge--and repels against the negatively charged cell walls of most bacteria.

Why do bacterial cell walls carry a negative charge?

The Gram positive bacterial cell wall is made up of thick peptidoglycan layer which is rich in Teichoic acids. These teichoic acids are negatively charged because of presence of phosphate in their structure. The Gram negative bacteria have an outer membrane composed of phospholipids and Lipopolysaccharides. The lipopolysaccharides impart a strongly negative charge to surface of Gram negative bacterial cells.

What is the difference between acidic dye and basic dye?

basic dyes are more effective for bacterial staining than acidic dyes because basic dyes have a positive charged chromogen. Bacterial nucleic acids and certain cell wall components carry a negative charge that strongly binds to the cationic chromogen.

Could a negatively charged dye stain a bacteria?

The effect on the bacteria depends if the stain is an acidic or basic stain. Most bacteria are stained when a basic stain permeates the cell wall and adheres by weak ionic bonds to the bacterial cell, which is slightly negatively charged.

What is a negative stain?

The negative staining techniques uses a dye solution in which the chromogen is acidic and carries a negative charge. (An acidic chromogen gives up a hydrogen ion, which leaves it with a negative charge.) The negative charge on the bacterial surface repels the negatively charged chromogen, so the the cell remains unstained against a colored background.

Why are basic stains attracted to the bacteria itself?

The bacterial cell wall has a negative charge. The basic stain has a positive charge. Since they have opposite charges, the bacterial cell wall and the basic stain are attracted to each other; hence the basic stain dyes the bacteria.

Does a Bacterial cell have only a cell wall?

No, bacterial cell also have phospholipid bilayers.

Methylene blue can be prepared as a basic stain or an acidic stain. How would the pH affect the staining of bacteria?

# The pH will determine if the bacteria will have a particular charge. If the chromophore is a positive ion like the methylene blue in the equation shown in the reading, the stain is considered a basic stain; if it is a negative ion, it is an acidic stain. Most bacteria are stained when a basic stain permeates the cell wall and adheres by weak ionic bonds to the negative charges of the bacterial cell.

Is bacterial cell a endo spore?

yes a bacterial cell is an endo spore

Does a bacterial cell have a cell membrane?

Of course they are found in bacterial cells.Every living cell has a plasma membrane.

What does the bacterial cell reproduce that the human gene codes for?

the bacterial cell reproduces the bacterial chromosome that the human gene codes for.

What is the process in which bacterial cell takes in which DNA released by a different bacterial cell?
