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Balanced forces acting on an object do not change the object's position.

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Q: Balanced forces acting on an object do not change the object's what?
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How do balanced forces acting on objects affect its motion?

When the forces acting on an object are balanced, they cancel each other out and the result is no change in its motion.Balanced forces have no effect on motion. Unbalanced forces cause acceleration.

Objects that do not accelerate?

All objects accelerate if the forces acting on them are not balanced.

What is the forces that result in no change in an objects motion?

Balanced Forces

Do balanced forces change an objects motion?


When an objects motion changes you know that the forces acting on it are?

Not balanced. The net force acting on the object is not zero.

What are the Forces that result in no change in an object's motion?

Forces that are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acting on the same object will not create a change in said objects motion.

What are forces that do not cancel out or change an objects motion?

Balanced forces do not change an object's motion.

What are forces that result in no change in an objects motion?

Forces that result in no change in an object's motion balanced forces.

How do balanced forces acting on an object affect its motion. How do unbalanced forces acting on an object affect its motion?

Balanced forces do not change its motion (no acceleration). Unbalanced forces changes the motion of the object (acceleration).

What is force that result in no change in an objects motion?

Balanced Forces

if the forces acting on an object are balanced the object may change speed change direction or do both true or false?

If the forces acting on an object are balanced, then the object will do none of those things. The statement is false.

Are any the forces acting on the freezer balanced?

are any the forces acting on the freezer balanced