

Banco central de Venezuela 100 bill?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Banco central de Venezuela 100 bill?
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First of all, Jamaica's Currency is Bolivar. So, 100 Jamaican Bolivars equals to 0.0466 U.S.Dollars.

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this is a disgraceful website. it tells me nothing that i write in google

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First of all, "Banco Central Do Brasil 100000 Cem mil Cruzeiros" literally means "Central Bank of Brazil 100 000 One Hundred Thousand Cruzeiros". So unless you have a million Cr100 000 you only have 100 000 Cruzeiros. Secondly, Brazil has not used Cruzeiro as a currency in Brazil since 1985. Its current currency is the Brazilian Real. That means Cruzeirs are only exchangeable in collector's circles, and as it is not yet an old hard-to-find currency it isn't worth all that much.

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