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Before mitosis and meiosis, DNA is loose in the form of chromatin, then it coils into chromosomes right before the mitosis and meiosis.

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Q: Before mitosis or meiosis DNA coils into what?
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What two cell division process use DNA replication?

Mitosis and Meiosis

What is copied before mitosis begins?

DNA, the genetic material, of course. Also mitochondria and chloroplasts need to divide. This is the process of mitosis where two daughter cells are produced and both will need the complete complement of genetic material; DNA.

Why do you need to know about DNA replication?

For mitosis and meiosis

When does DNA replecation occur in meiosis?

DNA replication always occurs at cell nucleus itself

In mitosis how many times is the DNA copied?

In both mitosis and meiosis DNA replication only occurs once, during Interphase and Interphase 1, for mitosis and meiosis, respectively.

DNA replication occurs in preparation for what?

Both mitosis and meiosis

When does replication occur in cell's cycle?

Replication of DNA occurs during Interphase of both mitosis and meiosis. This means the DNA is doubled before the cell divides.

What is copied during mitosis and meiosis?

A cell and its chromasomes.

Compare interphase in mitosis dividing cells to meiosis dividing cells?

The interphase is the same for mitosis and meiosis. Just mitosis only has one telophase step (where the cells separate), while meiosis has two telophase steps. In both Mitosis and Meiosis, the cell only replicates it's DNA once.

Wich statement is true of both mitosis and meiosis?

DNA replication occurs before the division of the nucleus.

What process must occur before mitosis and meiosis produces two identical dna strands from one original template and uses dna polymerase enzyme to produce the copy?

DNA replication

Which process must occur before mitosis and meiosis produces two identical DNA strands from one original templates and uses DNA polymerase enzyme to produce the copy?

DNA replication