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Beowulf is an epic poem. It is the oldest surviving epic poem in Old English. In order to be considered an epic poem, it has to be lengthy and usually detail heroic people or deeds.

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What is English epic?

An epic in English literature is a long, stretched out poem (that doesn't particularly have to rhyme) that recounts a tale of an epic hero. One good example of an Epic would be Beowulf.

In what way are the heroes of the Philippine epics similar from Beowulf?

Heroes of the Philippine epic can portray the different traits and values of Filipinos towards bravery, heroism, love, friendship, family, and justice. Just like Beowulf, our Philippine epic Heroes manage to fight with different foes just to protect the people they serve.

What are some examples of epic stories?

ramayana ,mahabharath,vedas all are Indian epics

What is a heroic narrative?

Epic poems were the heroic narratives like Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid. The first two works of Όμηρος [Homer] ancient greek epic poet and the third work of Virgil roman epic poet centuries later than Homer. A heroic narrative is known as a Saga

What are epics?

In literature an epic is a (usually lengthy) narrative in verse. In addition to the narrative there is also description and there is an important element of vastness and heroism. The earliest epics were oral and were only written down later. Famous examples of epics include The Odyssey, The Iliad and The Aeneid, also The Epic of Gilgamesh, and much later Beowulf. It is often said that since about 1700 the epic has been 'replaced' by the novel as the main form of narrative. The term epic is also used figuratively of some blockbuster films concerned with conflict and heroism on a grandiose scale. Joncey

Related questions

Is Beowulf an epic?

Beowulf is an epic poem. It is the oldest surviving epic poem in Old English. In order to be considered an epic poem, it has to be lengthy and usually detail heroic people or deeds.

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What kind of story is Beowulf?

Beowulf is an epic poem that tells the story of its titular hero, Beowulf, a warrior who battles supernatural creatures to protect his people and earn fame and glory. The poem is set in Scandinavia and explores themes of heroism, bravery, and the struggle between good and evil.

Which convention of the epic genre is employed in Beowulf?

One convention of the epic genre employed in Beowulf is the portrayal of a hero with superhuman abilities who embodies the values and ideals of a society. Beowulf's strength, courage, and willingness to selflessly protect his people exemplify this convention.

What kind of epic is Beowulf?

. Anglo-Saxon

What is hard edge in the epic Beowulf?


What is a brief description of the character Beowulf?

Beowulf is a legendary hero in the Anglo-Saxon epic poem "Beowulf." He is known for his bravery, strength, and loyalty, and he is celebrated for his epic battles against monsters and dragons. Beowulf embodies the values of heroism and selflessness.

Who is the epic hero in the story of Beowulf?

Beowulf is the epic hero in the story of Beowulf. He is a great Geatish warrior known for his bravery, strength, and heroism in battles against monsters and dragons, such as Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. Beowulf's character embodies the traits of an epic hero, including courage, loyalty, and a sense of duty to protect his people.

What is the medieval Danish epic about a brute hero in his quest to defeat Grendel?

The medieval Danish epic about a brute hero in his quest to defeat Grendel is called "Beowulf." Beowulf is an Old English epic poem that tells the story of the hero Beowulf who embarks on a journey to help King Hrothgar by defeating the monster Grendel.

What are two of England's epics?

beowulf - folk epic, and Paradise Lost - art epic

Was Beowulf a play?

No, Beowulf is an Old English epic poem. It is one of the oldest surviving works of English literature, composed between the 8th and 11th centuries.

Does Beowulf have anything to do with Greek mythology?

No, Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon epic poem with no connection to the Greeks.