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Q: Bon is a prefix for what words?
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Related questions

What are some examples of words with prefix bon?

bonus, bond, bonnet

What is the definition of prefix bon?


What does the prefix bon mean?

It means good.

Why is it pronounced bon tom?

The reason the words Bon Temps are pronounced Bon Tom is because the words are French. Bon Temps is a fictional city that is featured on the television series, True Blood.

What does bon bon in two words mean?

good good, in French

What words start with the prefix im or in?

Words with the prefix -im:immaterialimmatureimmobileimmortalimpartialimperfectimpossibleimpracticalimproperWords with the prefix -in:inaccurateinactiveincalculableincapableincapacitateinconceivableindescribableindiscriminateindivisibleineffectiveingrowninvisibleinvoluntary

Are their words that have the prefix or?

There is no prefix or-.

What is some words with the prefix of ag?

Words with the prefix ag:AgricultureAgeAghastAgentAgonizeAglowAgileAgapes

Dis prefix words?

Some words with 'dis' prefix are:disasterdisbursediscarddisdaindiseasedisfavordisgustdisheartendisintegratedisjointeddislikedismaydisorganizeddisplaydisquietdisruptdissectdisturbdisuseddisyllabic

What words that have the prefix en?

Some words with the prefix 'en' are:enableenamoredencapsulateenchantencyclopediaencodeendureenergyengageenhanceenigmaenjoinenjoyenlargeenlightenennobleenrollensembleensureenterpriseentertainentityentourageentranceenunciateenvelope

What are some words that start with the prefix af?

Words that start with the prefix af:AfroAffairAfterAfghanAfoulAfraidAffordAforeAfootAffirm

What words are capitalized in the sentence you are the principal of bon meade elementary?

You are the principal of Bon Meade Elementary.