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Q: By what idea did you get the Euler formula for the fourier coefficients?
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What is the history of fourier series?

It is quite complicated, and starts before Fourier. Trigonometric series arose in problems connected with astronomy in the 1750s, and were tackled by Euler and others. In a different context, they arose in connection with a vibrating string (e.g. a violin string) and solutions of the wave equation.Still in the 1750s, a controversy broke out as to what curves could be represented by trigonometric series and whether every solution to the wave equation could be represented as the sum of a trigonometric series; Daniel Bernoulli claimed that every solution could be so represented and Euler claimed that arbitrary curves could not necessarily be represented. The argument rumbled on for 20 years and dragged in other people, including Laplace. At that time the concepts were not available to settle the problem.Fourier worked on the heat equation (controlling the diffusion of heat in solid bodies, for example the Earth) in the early part of the 19th century, including a major paper in 1811 and a book in 1822. Fourier had a broader notion of function than the 18th-century people, and also had more convincing examples.Fourier's work was criticised at the time, and his insistence that discontinuous functions could be represented by trigonometric series contradicted a theorem in a textbook by the leading mathematician of the time, Cauchy.Nonetheless Fourier was right; Cauchy (and Fourier, and everyone else at that time) was missing the idea of uniform convergence of a series of functions. Fourier's work was widely taken up, and also the outstanding problems (just which functions can be represented by Fourier series?; how different can two functions be if they have the same Fourier series?) were slowly solved.Source: Morris Kline, Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Oxford University Press, 1972, pages 478-481, 502-514, 671-678,and 964.

How can a composite signal be decomposed?

Spectral analysis of a repetitive waveform into a harmonic series can be done by Fourier analyis. This idea is generalised in the Fourier transform which converts any function of time expressed as a into a transform function of frequency. The time function is generally real while the transform function, also known as a the spectrum, is generally complex. A function and its Fourier transform are known as a Fourier transform pair, and the original function is the inverse transform of the spectrum.

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As a war begins in the mind first, so also logical thinking creates. P.S.: ...for example, a human form is a Fourier analysis of the chaotic cosmos!

Why Euler circle method is worse than Venn diagrams?

Your question is a little ambiguous, but Euler Circles, sometimes called Euler diagrams, are generally regarded as far superior to Venn diagrams from a cognitive perspective since they exploit topologocal properties that match semantic properties. This exploitation means that they are well-matched to what they represent. In general, Euler diagrams do not restrict to the use of circles and are formed of arbitrary simple closed curves, like Venn diagrams. It terms of expressiveness, if one allows only the use of simple closed curves, then Euler diagrams are less expressive than Venn diagrams. However, frequently Euler diagrams are permitted to use shading (which Venn used in his diagrams to assert the emptiness of a set). Under these conditions (i.e. simple closed curves plus shading) Euler diagrams are equivalent in expressive power to Venn diagrams. Moreover, if you don't like the idea of using shading, you can remove the constraint that the closed curves must be simple and, again, this results in Euler diagrams being as expressive as Venn diagrams. I hope that helps.

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You worded your question weird what do you mean by that??

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i have no freaking idea

Who first discovered the symbol of pi?

The letter pi is many thousands of years old, as is the idea of dividing the circumfrance of a circle by its diameter. But thetwo ideas, the letterand the number, came to mean the same thingonlyroughly 300 years ago.The first writer to use pi in the modern sense was William Jones in 1706, and the mathematician Euler helped make the use of the symbol popular. Euler also invented the use of e as the base of the natural logarithms and the use of i for the square root of minus one, and discovered the beautiful formula that e raisted to the power pi times i equals -1.

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A formula like E=mc2

When you have budjeted amount actual accrued and actual expended amount then formula for budget variance?

I have NO idea what your asking but Sure :) You can.

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