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No - a pos can not donate blood to a negative

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only rbcs not with plasma

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Q: Can O plus donate to AB negative?
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What blood types can person with blood type A negative donate?

A person with A negative blood can donate blood to a person with A negative blood and a person with AB negative blood.

What type of blood does a kidney donor need to donate to a person with ab negative blood?

AB negative, A negative, B negative, O negative. Type AB is a universal receiver.

What can an individual who is blood type AB negative do?

An individual who is blood type AB negative can receive any blood type that is negative. Somebody who is O negative can donate blood to anyone.

What blood type can donate donate to all blood?

Ab+ universal receiver o- universal donor blood types: can donate to: can receive from: ab+: ab+: ab+ ab- a+ a- b+ b- o+ o- ab-: ab+ ab-: ab- b- a- o- a+: a+ ab+: a+ a- o+ o- a-: a+ a- ab+ ab-: a- o- b+: b+ ab+: b+ b- o+ o- b-: b- b+ ab- ab+: b- o- 0+: o+ a+ b+ ab+: o- o+ o-: o+ o- a+ a- b+ b- ab+ ab-: o-

Can AB donate to AB?

No, A person with AB- can receive from O-, A-, B-, or AB-. See chart on related link. A positive Rh factor can receive from a negative, but not the other way around.

Can someone who is b plus donate to some one who is O plus?

No. Someone who has B blood can only donate to someone with AB blood and B blood. Someone with O blood can only take O blood.

Can a AB negative and A plus mother have a O positive child?


Who donate to group o negative?

who donate to group o negative?

What type of blood can a person with type B blood receive safely?

A person with B type blood can donate to a patient with B type blood and to the universal receiver. The universal receiver is type AB+. A person who does not carry the Rh factor, which means they are either B negative, AB negative or O negative, cannot receive B positive or AB positive blood.

What types can o plus donate to?

The O pos type can be called a universal donor. They can donate to any type that is also positive. Thus, O pos can donate to O pos, A pos, B pos, and AB pos. O pos should not be used in Rh negative patients in order to prevent the development of anti-D antibodies unless in an emergency and no other type is available.

To which blood type can a AB type donate?

Yes. O- can donate to all blood types. O+ can only donate to other positive blood types, including AB+.

Are there exceptions for the donation of blood group O to blood group AB?

Yes, you can't donate 0 positive blood to AB negative. The rest is possible :) RV