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Generally, unless the minor is in actual physical danger, minors can't move out without the permission of either their parents or legal guardians or a court.

Can you petition a court for permission? Sure. Can you just do it on your own? Heck no, and if you try it and your parents feel like being nasty about it they could even get the other family member in trouble.

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Q: Can a 16-year old legally move out without parents permission in Tennessee and live with another family member if there are signs of verbal domestic abuse?
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Can you legally move out in the state of Tennessee at the age of 17?

No, 18 is the legal age to move out without parental permission or emancipation.

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If you have a domestic violence conviction, you can't legally purchase a gun anywhere in the U.S. unless you have had your rights restored.

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It is required to have liability car insurance to legally drive in Tennessee.

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No. A conviction of a crime of domestic violence prevents you from owning or possessing a firearm.

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If a seventeen year old gets pregnant can she legally get married and drop out of school in the state of Tennessee?

No, pregnancy does not make one an adult. She will still require the permission of her parents or a court order. Even to drop out of school would require permission from the parents.

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As long as it is a misdemeanor citation, no. The only misdemeanor that keeps you from legally purchasing a handgun is one involving domestic abuse.

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Plagiarism is taking another person's works or words and using them without permission. It is not legal in shape or form.

How can a 15- year old legally leave home in Alabama?

They would have to have parental permission. Another method would be to get a court order.

What if a child 17 ran away from another state?

A minor can not legally leave the state without parental permission so this changes nothing.

Can 16 year old leave home without permission?

Not legally. They have to have parental permission or be emancipated.

Can your grandpa adopt you legally?

Yes, with your parents permission