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Emancipation laws vary from state to state. The status of the parents, while a factor, is not a determining one.

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Q: Can a 16 year old be emancipated if both parents are separated?
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Can a seventeen-year-old live with his grandparents without his parents' consent in Mississippi?

If he is legally emancipated, or both parents are deemed unfit, or if the grandparents gain legal custody, then yes.

When a 17 year old female decides to move out of her parents house in Missouri is she considered emancipated and does it free her parents of further responsibility?

She is not yet an adult at 17. No, she is not emancipated and her parents are still responsible for her.

Can a 17 year old male get emancipated in Illinois?

Sure, if you get your parents permission

Can a 17 year old get emancipated with out the parents?

The parents are not required to participate in the process. But the court usually requires that they be notified.

If a sixteen year old gets emancipated can she move in with her nineteen year old boyfriend?

{| |- | If she gets emancipated, she can do what she wants. Her parents are no longer responsible for her or her debts and well being. She is on her own. |}

Can a 17 year old leave home after graduation without parents permission?

If the minor (key fact) in question is not emancipated and his/her parents are his/her legal guardians, then no. If the minor (key fact) in question is not emancipated and his/her parents are his/her legal guardians, then no.

Does a sixteen year old have to have permission to be emancipated?

You have to sue your parents in court to gain emancipation.

How do you emancipated if you are a 17 year old mother with both of your parents deaceaised?

If you live in a state with an emancipation law, you would apply to the court. The process and the requirements will vary depending on the state.

Are parents responsible financially for 17 year old in Michigan who voluntarily moves out of the house?

Parents are responsible financially for a 17 year old in Michigan who voluntarily moves out of the house unless the teen is completely emancipated. Teens can be partially emancipated, which means parents can still be responsible for certain things.

Can a nineteen year old be emancipated from there parents?

you can leave when you are 18 years old in the united states

Can a 17-year-old legally move out of their parents' house without being emancipated in tx?


Can a 16 year old move out of there parents household?

Only with parental consent or if emancipated by the court.