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Maders is you dockson horny

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Q: Can a boy hamster turn on a girl dachshund?
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Can a boy hamster be in the same cage as a girl?

Yes. a boy hamster can be with a girl but i bet you they will have babies.

How do you tell from a panda hamster if it is a girl or boy?

Well if it is a boy, it would be easy to tell as there bums would be bigger than if your hamster is a girl. If you can't tell yet then you could have to turn them other and look at them closer :)

Do you have to have a boy hamster and a girl hamster to be able to mate?

to get the female hamster pregnant you have to have a male

Does a girl dwarf hamster need a boy dwarf hamster to have babies?


How do you tell if it is a girl or boy?

if its a boy hamster then it has massive balls sticking out

How do you tell if a is a girl or boy?

if its a boy hamster then it has massive balls sticking out

How do you tell if a Russian dwarf hamster is a boy or a girl?

All hamster, not just dwarf, males, have pronounced genitalia under their tails. After the hamster reaches six months old or so, you'll be able to tell.

Why do boy hamster try to lick girl hamster?

Because it's straight. Derpaderp

Can you put a boy Campbell hamster with a older girl Campbell hamster?

Yes, you may.

Does a girl hamster need a boy to have babies?

no not at all!

Can you house a boy and girl hamster together?


Can my girl hamster have a baby without a boy hamster?

No A hamster is a mammal and needs the oposite sex to become pregnant