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Divorce is something that happens between spouses, not between parents and children. A child's refusal to see the father does not affect the father's child support obligation.

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Q: Can a child divorce father without permission while he is paying child support?
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no, it requires the permission of the court.

Can a women take away the child out of the country without the permission of the father?

If there is a court order for custody, visitation or child support she will need his permission. See related question link.

In Missouri if a husband and wife get a divorce can she legally change th childrens names to her maiden name without permission of the father?

No, as that's a sign of parental alienation. see my profile

Can mother move to another state with out permission from father when no legal custody?

If the father has no legal custody, but is paying child support, he should be at least told. It's his child, too. The parents divorced each other - they did not divorce themselves from the child.

Can you move in with your father at 17 without your moms permission?

Only if you get a court's permission to do so.

Can your girlfriend adopt your children when the father doesn't want to have anything to do with his children even though the father barely pays child support?

not without his permission, and in states that allow lesbian couple adoptions

What can a father do if the mother of his children took the kids and moved to another state without his permission?

What can a father do if the mother of. His children took the kids and moved to another state without permission.

Can you move out of Texas with your children without the permission of their biological father?


If you are considering divorce but you are pregnant do you have to have your husbands permission to move out of state in CA?

the answer is a simple yes if the babies father is your husband

If your parents have joint custody of you can you move states to live with your Father without the permission of your mother?

No , not usually.Don't do it without permission or you may get your Dad in trouble.

Can father be put in nursing home without your permission?

Unless you are the legal guardian of your father, yes. There is no requirement that he get your permission. And if someone else is guardian, it is their decision.

Can you do mutah without your father permission. in mutah father permission is necessary?

You cannot do Mu'ta at all if you are a is the same as Zina.Shittes have made it up to suite their desires.