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Well now hat you've given them the idea they can... Thanks a lot! now I have one more thing to worry over.

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Q: Can a cyber stalker tap your cell phone and make calls seemingly coming from your phone?
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Who is the stalker in cyber stalker?

Daniel Levy

When is galaxy pegasus and cyber pegasus coming to Canada?

cyber pegasus is coming in January or feburary 2011. And galaxy pegasus is coming in April 2011.

What do to protect your self from cyber stalkers?

cyber stalkers are dangerous and uncultured, how ever there have been a few apps that help you get rid of stalkers or Hackers, some of these new apps will send your phone to a counter hack mode which exposes the identity of the intending stalker or hacker and block them automatically.

What can you do about cyber stalking?

Ask the stalker his/her name. Then, tell your parents, a teacher or the cops. Finally, don't EVER EVER EVER EVER return to that chat room and be careful. PS: Also specify if you gave information 'bout yourself.

What is cyber civics?

cyber civics is preventing cyber bullying

If someone calls you and your friends weirdos on their computer is it cyberbullying?

Absolutely. If someone insults or threatens your friends in anyway via the internets, it is your responsibility as an American to ensure they are prosecuted them under the full extent of the law. Cyber Bullying is a sever crime with severe repercussions. Cyber Bullying is one of the leading causes of teen suicide, and miscarriages. Please take all Cyber Bullying as seriously as you possibly can.

Is there a problem with internet in Kenya at the moment?

Yes, am working from a cyber cafe and its coming n going. mpesa services r also down

What happens in cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that involves the Internet. The bully may talk badly about a person and post it on a website or post embarrassing pictures, or the bully may talk badly directly to a person through email, chat, text messages, and even phone calls.

How do you write the word cyberfriend cyber-friend or cyber friend?

i think its cyber friends

What is cyber surfing?

surfing on the cyber waves

Software crack cyber crime?

Yes, it is considered as cyber crime. It is violation of copyright and cyber laws.

How cyber crime affects people?

Cyber crimes can affect people in different ways. They can become the victims of financial crimes and identity thefts through cyber crime. Cyber bullying is also considered a cyber crime.