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Eggs float in salt water but not in tap water, which is a fresh water. This is because salt water is more dense than fresh water.

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9y ago
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13y ago

It can float with salt in the water.

If it is not fresh but spoiled and there is no salt in water, it can float.

If it is fresh with no salt in water, it can't float.

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11y ago

an egg sinks in normal water because the water is not dence enough also because the salinity is not high enough so the water doesnt have the bouyancy of the egg.

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14y ago

it can float with salt

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14y ago

an egg floats in water with added salt

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Q: Will an egg float in salt water or tap water?
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An egg can float in salt water?

yes an egg can float in salt water but it depends on the density of the water.

A raw egg sinks when places in a beaker of tap water If enough salt is dessolved in the water the egg will ultimately float?


An egg sinks in fresh water but floats in a strong solution of salt why?

because following the density principle, the density of the egg compared to the density of the tap water is lesser....(the density principle states that an object or substance with lesser density will float on the surface of the substance or object which has the greater density...),,,with salt,,, salt makes the density of the tap water to increase and increases also the salinity of the water making the egg float because the density of the water with salt is now greater than the density of the egg.... An egg will float when the density of the water is greater than the density of the egg. Adding salt increases the density of a salt water solution. Whether the egg floats or sinks depends on the condition of the egg as well as the amount of salt in the water. If an object is LESS dense than the solution that it is in, then it WILL float. If an object is MORE dense than the solution it is in, then it WILL NOT float. An egg is more dense than regular water; therefore, the egg will sink. But when you add salt to the water, you are making the solution more dense. The salt water's density becomes greater to the point that it is more dense than the egg. Because the egg is now LESS dense than the water, it floats.

What happens when you put an egg in tap water?

When an egg is submerged under tap water it will float. This is because water is more dense than the egg.

How much salt can float an egg?

About 6 tablespoons - Check out the link below It depends on how old the egg is. An egg that is a week or so old will float in tap water...that's how you can test to see if an egg is fit to eat.

Do objects float better in salt water or tap water?

in salt water you float better because it is hevier than other water they use for maybe pools

Egg in the salt water?

When you place an egg in salt water, the egg will float because salt water is denser than fresh water, causing the egg to be less dense and thus float. This is due to the principle of buoyancy, where the denser liquid exerts more force on the egg than the egg weighs, making it float.

Why does salt water affect the way objects float?

salt water is different from tap water. when salt is added to water it converts the tap water to salt water. This increases the density of the water, and allows more objects to float above it. remember, when objects are mixed like that, the greater the density, the further it is from the surface.

Why does egg not floats on water?

If you add salt to water, it becomes a solution of salt and water. That solution is denser than just water. Archimedes' Principle says that if you place an object in a fluid, it will be "buoyed" up by the weight of the fluid that it displaces. If you're an egg, then you will displace an egg volume of the fluid into which I place you. The displaced volume of salt water weighs more than just water, so you float rather than sink.

Why do eggs float on salty water but not on ordinary water?

Salt water is more dense than fresh(tap) water. This allows the egg to float. It is also easier to stay afloat in the ocean than in a fresh water lake. Same concept. how much water do i use?

Do things float better in salt water or fresh water?

Things can float better in salt water, due to density. For a visual experience, try getting 2 cups, fill both with tap water, and put salt in one cup, then mix it in. Get 2 eggs, and put one in each cup, keep on adding salt to one cup, until the egg floats. I hope I answered your question!

What will float in saltwater but not float in tap water?

Objects that contain a higher density that water will sink, but if the same object has a lower density that saltwater, then it will float in salt water. And this also depends on the concentration of sodium ions present in the salt water. As the concentration of the sodium ions increase, the density of the salt water increases.