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It's possible. Or it could be that your ears are making your teeth sore. Go to the dentist and have the area checked or to the doctor and have your ears checked.

A failed upper root canal effected my hearing on that side. Going to neither dentist, neurologist, EENT Specialist nor family physician ever proved useful. X-rays, MRI and CAT Scan showed nothing. Hearing tests showed some hearing loss due to ringing/buzzing in the ear which began in conjunction with the root canal. Only temporarily, after use of antibiotics, the ringing went away but returned a week later and nothing has helped since. I have lived with ear ringing for 15 years and I am certain the root canal was the cause.

shown for people that have root canals over time have a lower white blood cell count than a person with more teeth.

Yes, having a root canal can cause hearing loss; I wonder if Rush L. ever connected his nine to ten root canals, for cosmetic purposes, to his hearing loss? Read Tooth Truth by Frank Jerome, Dentist. The truth will set you free.

There is no studied or researched direct effect.

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No. You should call the dentist to make sure that everything is okay.

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Q: Can a root canal cause ear blockage that results in not being able to hear out of one ear?
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