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It is possible. You'll need a judge to consent too, not just the lawyer and your social worker. Parental consent would also help.

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Q: Can a girl who's 16 get emancipated if she has a lawyer and her social worker says it's okay?
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Can a 16 year old girl get emancipated in Arkansas?

No, because in order to be emancipated, or freed, one must first be a slave. And since Arkansas is in the USA, where slavery is illegal, a 16 year old girl cannot be emancipated in Arkansas.

When can a girl leave her parents in missouri?

When you are 18 and emancipated.

If a girl gets pregnant is she legally emancipated from her parents?


Can a 16 year old boy and girl who have had a baby and are married be automatically emancipated in Illinois?

They may be emancipated, but it is not automatic.

What does a 17-year-old girl have to do to get emancipated?

The laws depend on your state. In general, if you got married you could be emancipated, or if you joined the military. Getting emancipated with parental consent is easiest.

Can a 16-year-old girl leave her abusive parent's home and live with her boyfriend's parent's in Michigan?

Only if she is emancipated or there is a court order. Social services can provide assistance on how to get help.

Can a 16 year old girl get emancipated if they're pregnant in Indiana?

{| |- | No Indiana does not have an emancipation statute. You are not emancipated just because you are pregnant. Being a parent under the age of majority does not change that. However, the minor does have rights when it comes to the child and should contact social services in their community to discuss their options. |}

Can a teenage girl in Maryland only be emancipated if she is pregnant?

Im only 16 but i do live in Maryland and Im thinking the answer is no.This girl i know was going through all the stuff to get emancipated and she was not pregnant.

Is a 14 year old girl automatically emancipated when she has a baby in Texas?


Does a minor girl who becomes a mother automatically become emancipated in Texas?


Can a social worker file a restraining order against a 16 year old girl's 19 year old boyfriend without her say or approval?
