

Can a graph have two tangents at a given point?

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Norberto Hirthe

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4y ago

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Q: Can a graph have two tangents at a given point?
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How many tangents can be drawn from a single point?

Two tangents can be drawn from a point outside a circle to the circle. The answer for other curves depends on the curve.

What is orthogonal trajectories?

Two curves which intersect at right angles, ( the angle between the two tangents to the curve) curves at the point of intersection are called orthogonal trajectories. The product of the slopes of the two tangents is -1.

What is the measure of the angle formed by two tangents drawn to a circle from an external point if they intersect a major arc whose measure is 243 and the minor arc measures 117?

63o. Join the points where the tangents touch the circle to its centre to form a quadrilateral (two meeting tangents and two radii). These angles are both 90o, summing to 180o. Thus the other two angles - the one at the centre of the circle and the one where the tangents meet - sum to 360o - 180o = 180o (they are supplementary). The centre angle is given as 117o (the minor arc), so the angle where the tangents met is 180o - 117o = 63o.

What is the measure of the angle formed by two tangents drawn to a circle from an external point if they intersect a major arc whose measure is 200 degrees?

The angle between the two tangents is 20 degrees.

How many tangents can be drawn to a circle containing a point outside the circle?

Any tangent must contain a point outside the circle. So the answer to the question, as stated, is infinitely many. However, if the question was how many tangents to a circle can be drawn from a point outside the circle, the answer is two.

How do you Sketch and fully describe the locus of point two inches from a given point?

The locus of all points that are a given distance from a given point of origin is a circle.To draw this, use a compass set to 2in and centered on the point of origin. Graph paper is recommended.

How do you solve two tangents of circle?

That depends on what question you have been asked concerning the two tangents. All by itself, a circle with two tangents is quite content, and isn't looking for a solution.

How to measure the point at which two tangents intersect each other?

To measure the point at which two tangents intersect each other, find an equation for each tangent line and compute the intersection. The tangent is the slope of a curve at a point. Knowing that slope and the coordinates of that point, you can determine the equation of the tangent line using one of the forms of a line such as point-slope, point-point, point-intercept, etc. Do the same for the other tangent. Solve the two equations as a system of two equations in two unknowns and you will have the point of intersection.

What is the formula when solving for x when you have two tangents?

It depends on what x is and how the tangents are related to it.

What information is given in a line graph?

It depends on the two (or more) variables that are plotted on the graph.

Are tangents to a circle equal at opposite ends of a diameter?

If you draw tangents to a circle at opposite ends of a diameter, those two tangents are parallel. No matter how far you extend them, they'll never meet.

How many syllables are in two- coordinate graph?

The phrase "two-coordinate graph" has six syllables. The syllables are two-co-or-din-ate-graph. The highest stress point in the phrase is the word graph.