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well, everyone can change how they feel towards someone, but you have to remember that deep down inside they did feel for you, and maybe still does a little bit.

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I'm pretty sure he can.

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Q: Can a Man Change his mind about being sexually attracted to a woman?
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A woman who is not sexually/physically attracted to men, but is sexually/physically attracted to women, is a lesbian.

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Homosexuality and transsexuality are two different things. Transsexuals feel that they've been born in the wrong body. Homosexuals are sexually attracted to the same sex as themselves. Sometimes they coincide. So you get all combinations: -someone born a man, sexually attracted to women, but wanting to be a woman. -someone born a man, sexually attracted to men, but wanting to be a woman - someome born a woman, sexually attracted to women, but wanting to be a man -someone born a woman, sexually attracted to men, wanting to be a man. So if a transsexual is considered gay or not becomes a bit awkward, as the frame of reference would change if the person goes ahead with a sex change or not.

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It means she wants to lust with you.

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No. By definition, a lesbian is a woman who is sexually attracted to other women.

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The word for a woman attracted sexually to other women is a "lesbian" (gay female).

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Absolutely not. Transgender women are women. You are only gay if you are a man who is sexually attracted to men

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If you find that you are only attracted to females in a sexual/romantic way, then you are a lesbian. In short, being attracted physically and emotionally to another female, and not attracted sexually to men, means you are lesbian. I answered a question before about can a gay man be emotionally in love with a woman, the answer is yes, the same would apply to a woman who feels she is or might be lesbian. Emotional attraction is far different than that of sexual attraction. I am emotionally attached to many of my friends, however, I'm not in anyway sexually attracted to them.

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A lesbian is a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women.

What is it called when a man is attracted to a woman but not sexually?

Yes, of course, Attraction denotes liking something. You can be socially attracted, and so on. You could aspire to her this could also mean you are attracted to her.

Can 34 years old man be sexually attracted to 22 years old woman?

Yes. Happens all the time.

Are you lesbian if you haven't had a relationship with a guy before?

nah, you're only a lesbian if you are attracted to woman only. Sexually and emotionally.

Could a gay man be sexually compatible with an extremely Butch woman?

No. A gay man is, by definition, a man who is attracted to other men. A butch woman, no matter how butch, is still a woman.However, If there is a man who seems gay and is attracted to a butch woman, he would be considered bisexual, and a bisexual or straight man could definitely be attracted to a butch woman.