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They CAN suck their thumb, however by that age, they should have grown out of it.

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Q: Can a nine year old suck their thumb?
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Is it babyish for a nine year old to suck their thumb?

yes u should get that stopped by the age 5

Is it normal for a 15 year old male to still suck his thumb?

Approximately 3-5% of U.S. males, age 15, suck their thumbs. It's a "normal" habit but often hidden due to the social stigma attached to it.

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Just go for it! She will love you to bits if you do. And you will be cool!

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No. He is a child and so is a nine year old. It is illegal for them to date.

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Dress up all fancy

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The average weight of a nine year old is about 65 pounds.

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yes.. actually, a nine yer old shouldn't be dating at all

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suck me off

What does a nine year old do?

They like to act like they're grownups. Trust me i know I'm a nine year old.