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Yes. With Alot Of Drugs And Hospital Attention You Should Be Fine.

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Yes the can!

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Q: Can a person live with lungs blood clots?
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Where is oxygen in the human body?

oxygen if everywhere. In the heart, lungs, blood. YOu need blood everywhere to live!

Can a person live without lungs why or why not?

no, they wouldn't be able to breathe.

Why cant you live without breathing?

The reason why every person on the planet needs to breathe lies with the lungs, blood, and the heart. First, breathing circulates your blood. If you stop breathing, the oxygen intake into the blood at the air sacs in the lungs, will drop. And when it drops, health issues occur. When not enough oxygen gets to the blood, the heart will stop. Heart Attack.

Can a human being survive if his respiratory surface becomes dry?

No. The respiratory system consists of 70 % water and so does the body. oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged in the lungs through the aveoli in the lungs. your entire body has a circulatory system that is linked to the lungs to supply oxygen to the entire body through the blood from the lungs and your lungs contain fluid and blood is a portion of that fluid and you cannot live without blood or fluid in the body Answer no. the respiratory system consists of 70 % water and so does the body. oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged in the lungs through the aveoli in the lungs. your entire body has a circulatory system that is linked to the lungs to supply oxygen to the entire body through the blood from the lungs and your lungs contain fluid and blood is a portion of that fluid and you cannot live without blood or fluid in the body.

Why cant a person live without lungs?

Because lungs are what make you breathe, and without breathing we would die.

Can a person live with without lungs?

No, a person cannot live without their lungs.

What happens when lungs fail?

Once they actually fail, the person will die immediately. You cannot live without working lungs.

The human body has how much lungs?

Normally a person has 2 lungs... but its possible to live with just 1

What are the red blood cells doing in the organs?

Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to all the organs so they can live.

Can a person live without blood vessels in your system?

No a person can't live without blood vessels because blood vessels are what gets blood through your body and blood is the life essence which keeps us alive.

What organs can a person not live without?

Brain, heart, liver, pancreas, both lungs