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Also the amount of useful information that can be sent in a given period of time on such low frequency carriers is severely limited. The theoretical maximum bit rate on a 30Hz carrier is only 15 bits per second, not even 2 bytes per second (a typical typewriter can do at least 10 characters per second) and the practical maximum bit rate is of course lower, possibly only 3 to 5 bits per second.

But yes, radio waves of 30Hz and even lower can be transmitted.

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The lower the frequency, the easier it is to construct circuits to generate radio waves at that
frequency. Transmitting them can be a problem, however.

The problem is that in order to efficiently radiate the wave, the size of the transmitting antenna
must be a significant fraction of the wavelength, otherwise most of the transmitting power never
goes anywhere.

At 30 Hz, the wavelength is something like 6,210 miles, so you can probably begin to understand
the problem. Still, there are radio stations broadcasting internationally for scientific purposes
below 20KHz (wavelength greater than 9 miles).

The so-called 'ELF' (Extremely Low Frequency) radio band, between 30 Hz and 300 Hz (wavelengths
from 621 miles to 6,210 miles) is useful because its signals penetrate the Earth, and this band is
used for communication in and out of deep mines, and also for military purposes such as submarine

It should be mentioned that as the frequencies go lower, they become less useful for communication,
because there is progressively more and more natural interference, generated by weather systems,
lightning, and processes going on within the Earth itself.

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When was Your Radio created?

Your Radio was created on 2003-11-30.