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Rib fusion: A medical condition of the ribs being stuck together.

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Q: Can a rib be fused to another rib?
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Yes they do - they have a complete skeleton underneath the shell. The turtles shell is simply its rib-cage that has 'fused' into one continuous bony structure.

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The 2 types of run on sentences are a fused sentence and a comma slice.

What is another word for rib cage?

abdomen, chest

What do you call someone who is fused together with another person?

Conjoined (or Siamese) twins.

What is another word for joke?

Off the top of my head... yarn, rib, josh.

What is a catchy name for a paintball team that fused with another team?

Nuclear Fusion, Nukes, or Fusion.

What is a fusion cell?

A cell that has fused with another cell through a process called cellular fusion.

Do any mammals have a fused backbone?

yes because all of the animals /mammals evolve another word is fused and everything has bones so they do. REMEBER to poo when you use the loo and join me too

What is the easiest way to learn how to cook rib roast?

One of the easiest ways to learn how to cook rib roast is through a recipe. Another way is to learn from a chef or to even ask from tips from places one enjoys their rib roast.