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yes I believe it can my cousin had heat stroke and it swelled up her lymph nods. So i know it is possible.

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Q: Can a severe sunburn on your back cause the lymph nodes in your neck to swell and be painful?
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How painful are swollen lymph nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes are generally painful. Swelling of the lymph nodes throughout your body may indicate an infection. Also, it could be indicative of an immune disorder. Either way, the swelling will cause an inflammatory reaction and will thus affect the nerves in the area by the pressure.

What are the symptoms of lymphatic cancer?

cancerous lymphnode is not painful but infected lymph node is painful

What action should be taken if the lymph nodes remain swollen and painful from cat-scratch disease?

The appearance of painful and swollen lymph nodes is another reason for consulting a doctor.

Can root canals cause swollen lymph glands in the neck?

Infections caused by decayed teeth and neucrotic tissue in the tooth cause the swollen lymph glands. Internal inflammation of the surround tissue will cause facial swelling which may last 7-10days.

What could the hard bump that does not hurt and does not move under the arm of a 28 year old be?

There could be a number of things that would cause this, but the fact that it is not painful and is fixed is some cause for alarm, since cancerous lumps are not usually painful and are fixed (they don't move around). But there are many benign things that could cause this, as well, such as a clogged lymph node, an infection in a lymph gland, a calcification, etc., so there is no cause for panic. I do recommend though, that you have a doctor look at it soon.

What are the sideffects of the smallpox incolution?

swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit, which can be painful.

Can psoriasis on the elbow cause painful cysts in armpit?

Psoriasis will not directly cause cysts in the armpit,. However, any type of inflammation or infection can cause the lymph nodes to swell since they are releasing chemicals to help heal the body.

What is the painful lump behind your ear painful to touch and painful after touching and causes mouth pain?

swollen lymph node due to infection, usually in the head region.

Does cold effect lymph flow?

Yes and no from experience... It's not so much the cold that effects the lymph but the effects the blood that helps the flow of lymph. Extreme changes in temp are quite painful for me in that the lymph nodes in my back fill creating pressure on the spine and severe nerve pain. So, yes anything that effects blood flow and breathing effect lymph flow. Try rebounding jumping up and down on a mini tramp. This increases the pressures by as mush as 15X and helps keep things moving.

Can a yeast infection cause swollen lymph nodes?

Yes, a yeast infection can cause your lymph nodes to swell.

Why is right hand swollen and painful along with swollen lymph nodes?

Torn legaments