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No. Unless the Doctors are specifically looking for marijuana in your system, the answer is no. I thought the same thing when I went for a normal check up & urine sample.

But I found out that unless they are looking for marijuana in your system, then it wont be a problem.

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14y ago

Yes it can. Mary J can be shown on an a doctors pee test. It's kind of scary. US should make it legal!!

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Q: Can THC be found in urine in a normal check up?
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Properties that should not be found in urine are?

well there are many things like THC

Diazepam will it show for thc in urine test?

No, Diazepam will not show for THC in a urine test.

Clean out THC without delouting the urine?

The best way to dilute THC from a persons urine is to stop using THC. There are also vitamins that can clean your urine as well.

How do doctors check if you did marijuana?

The same way they would test if you werent pregnant. THC testing

Will vicodin show up as a positive for THC in a urine drug test?

no it will not...thc is only found im marijuana and other such substances...vicodin contains hydrocodone which can be tested for but is usually not in a standard urine when tessting for the samhsa-5

Does caffeine clean THC out of urine?

It does not clean out urine.

Can you sweat THC out of your urine?

can you sweat THC out of ur urine i smoked weed this morning and have job interview tomorrow

How do you get THC out of your urine faster?

Drink pickle juice, a pill called niacin that can be found with the vitamins iat walmart,

How long before urine is clear of THC?

Three large inhales per day maintains about 50nanograms of THC in the urine.

Will amoxicillin clear thc from urine?


Does THC show up after taking golden seal?

The THC does not show up after golden seal the deal is golden seal throws off other readings in your urine which indicate the donor has something to hide, if they tell you that they found THC in your urine and you tell them that you have used then you have been baited and you took it. It was just a lucky guess on their part

Does oxycodone show up as THC results in urine?

No THC is marijuana, oxycodone is an opiate