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There have been tests, an actual tazer will not stop a car.

BUTThere was a special car Tazer like device tested on a TV show that worked but was impractical. It worked at human fatal voltages to stop a car. This made it to unsafe.

It was not built or endorsed by Tazer.

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Q: Can a taser gun be used to stop a moving car?
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What happens when you shoot a taser at a car?

Not much The probes will scratch the paint but not stick If you use a non-projectile type taser the metal car body will take the hit and all you will do is damage the paint job. The only way you could seriously damage a car with a taser is to find computer wires and connect them so the computer takes a hit direct from the taser. The metal body will otherwise short the taser so it can't do more than damage the paint.

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Because the car is not moving

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Pushing on the brake pedal

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a train because it is harder to stop than the car. source: my knowledge and i learned this in class today.

Which brakes are used more when stopping a car?

Foot brakes are used to stop a car. In an emergency however both the foot and hand brakes can be used to stop a car.