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Q: Can a tornado destroy a whole city?
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Can a hydrogen bomb destroy a city?

It certainly can. peopls say that it can destroy a whole country

Can a tornado destroy a mansion?

Yes. A tornado F3 or higher intensity could definitely destroy a mansion.

What kind of tornado damages a whole city?

Even the largest tornadoes are not large enough to damage a city. There is no specific kind of tornado that would cover a large portion of a city, though one term used is "wedge." A wedge tornado is a tornado that appears wider than it is tall.

Can a tornado destroy a house?

Yes. In a strong enough tornado wind and debris carried by the wind can destroy houses.

What is the Great Natchez Tornado?

it was the second deadliest single tornado that killed 317 people and tore a whole northern part of a city to shreds

How much does a tornado eat?

Tornadoes do not eat. They are not alive. Tornadoes can destroy things win their paths, but even that varies widely. Some tornado never cause any damage or only break a few tree branches while others destroy whole towns and neighborhoods.

How long does a tornado take to destroy a whole world?

The thing is, it can't. Maybe billions of tornados could, but I highly doubt that will ever happen.

Would tornado alley destroy a lot of homes?

Tornado Alley itself is not destructive, but the tornadoes that frequent it can be. The tornadoes in Tornado Alley destroy many homes each year.

Can a tornado destroy a fire department?

Yes. A strong enough tornado can destroy just about any manmade structure. A tornado of high EF3 intensity or stronger should be enough.

Could a strong tornado destroy sugar rush in wreck it Ralph?

A strong to violent tornado could potentially destroy a portion of it. But the area appears too large to be covered by a tornado.

Is a tornado as big as a whole city?

Generally not. In most cases a tornado would not cover more than a football field or two. Occasionally a tornado may be large enough to engulf a small town.