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A variable can not hold more than one value at any given moment in time. It would have only one. If you wanted more than one value, you would have to make the variable an array.

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Q: Can a variable can hold more than one value at any given moment in time?
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What defines a variable?

A variable is a named storage location that can hold any data value. A variable has two associated values ; r value and l value.

What do you understand by constant and variable in c plus plus program?

A variable is any named value of a specified type that can hold any value of that type, and that can change that value at any time while the name is in scope. A constant is exactly the same as a variable except that its value must be set at the point of instantiation and the given value cannot be altered while the name remains in scope. In other words, a variable is a value that may vary while a constant is a value that always remains the same.

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You cannot create a variable named "while", since that is a reserved word.

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Store the numbers in a suitable container such as an array. Assume the first number is the smallest and assign its value to a local variable. Traverse the remainder of the sequence, comparing each element's value to the stored value. If an element has a lower value, assign its value to the local variable. When the sequence is fully traversed, the local variable will hold the value of the smallest value in the sequence. Return that value.

Is it true that a variable is a storage location in memory that is represented by a name and can hold different values during the execution of the program?

Yes, this is correct. In terms of the compiled machine language, the variable represents a memory location. So, anytime the variable is referenced, and you either set the variable to a value, or retrieve a value from the variable, you are actually referencing the memory location pointed to by the variable.

What is the use of variables in c language?

Variable is of any Data Type and Data Type can be defined as a type of value that a Variable will hold.............means which type of value you want to store, eg: fractional value (3.5454), whole value (3,76,3,67), character value (a,v,c,f,b,z) etc.......... So The Use the Variable is to store a value of any kind (some mentioned above)

What is an initialization statement?

When a declared variable receives a value to hold. i.e. int lalalala; lalalala = 0; //initialization of lalalala

Does a variable only have one numerical value?

Not necessarily.A variable can hold other types of values, not just numbers. For example, a variable can hold a date, a text (also know as "string"), a boolean (true or false) value, etc. In object-oriented programming, you basically make up your own data types.An array variable can hold several related values. The individual values are usually distinguished by a number, called a subscript. (In other words, you have the first element, the second element, etc. in the array.)

What are the benefits of using pointers in PHP?

Pointers hold reference to variable value which is already declared in memory. Say suppose $x = 2; // Here variable is assigned value 2 in memory Now $y = &$x; // This basically points to the variable which is already allocated the value The use of pointers could greatly reduce memory usage if used correctly.

How do variables and symbollic names differ?

Variables are storage areas that hold data that can vary during the execution of a program. A symbolic name is the name given to any entity in a program, including variables, constants, functions, procedures and various other stuff.

What is the difference between lvalue and rvalue?

A variable is a named storage that can hold any value and has 2 values associated with it namely rvalue and lvalue. 'rvalue' is its data value that is its content and "lvalue" is its location value, that is memory address.