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Q: Can a woman produce 2 eggs in the same month?
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What is the largest possible number of people in a room if no two people have a birthday in the same month?

12 because there are 12 months and no one in the room has a birthday in the same month

How do you work out when next period is when ive had 2 in one month?

it will probably be in two months or maybe next month, ive had the same problem dear xx hope this helps you xx

What should you use To plot the results of two data categories collected every month for a year?

Line graph, I believe. have the same question for my homework

What is the probability that in a group of six people at least two were born in the same month?

For ease of answering, we will work under the assumption that the probability of someone being born within any given month is equal to that of any other month. Allowing that assumption, we can look at that question a slightly different way and say "What is the probability that all people in a group of six would each be born in a different month?" The answer to that would be 12/12 * 11/12 * 10/12 * 9/12 * 8/12 * 7/12, which can also be expressed as (12! / 6!) / 126, and comes out to 665280 / 2985984, which equals 385 / 1728. The probability of at least two being being born in the same month would then be: 1 - 385 / 1728 = 1343 / 1728 ≈ 0.7772, or approximately 77.72%

What is the probability of twenty-two consecutive same gender births?

Assuming that the chance of a woman giving birth to a boy or a girl is the same (in reality there's about 105 boys born for every 100 girls) then the probability of 22 of the same gender births *in a row* is: P=(0.5)^22=0.0000002384 or 1 in 4,194,304 It depends on the "when" of the question. If you point at a childless woman, and say "She will give birth to 22 children. What is the likelyhood that they will all be girls?" In that case the probability will be one in two-to-the-twenty-second. Pretty long odds. BUT, if you point at a woman with twenty one children, and ask "What are the odds that the next one will be a girl?" Then the answer is one in two. Make sense?

Related questions

Which type of twins develop from two fertilized eggs?

Twins from different eggs are fraternal twins. They are siblings with the same birthdate. They are twins, but not identical, and can even be girl and boy. It is the same process taking place as a single child that a woman becomes pregnant with, but the process happens with two children at the same time. The woman releases two eggs that month instead of one, and they both are fertilized. That is how this type of twin is produced.

When both ovaries of a woman ovulate and fertilize at the same time they produce?

they produce a Siamese twins

When do women receive all of their egg cells?

Once a month ( their period). And when they can't make anymore it's menopause. But they develop them at birth and keep that same about through out there lifer. Losing one or possibly two every period.

Will you have a period every month when you have only one ovary and fallopian tube?

Potentially, yes, you will menstruate as someone with two ovaries. Your ovary will still produce eggs and hormones so will have the same effect on your cycle.

In pea plants both male and female sex cells have what in the same flower?

false, the female parts of the plant produce eggs

Do female giant pandas produce milk?

yes, is feaml gaint woman produce milK when they are pregnant? same concept!"

Can periods occur at any time of the month or do they have to be around the same time each month?

Every woman is a little different in this matter, but the average is about 28 days. That's not quite one calendar month, so a woman's periods will generally NOT correspond with the same day of each 30- or 31-day calendar month.

Why do bearded dragons have eggs every other month if they haven't been breed?

Same reason as humans.

What happens if a woman's ovaries released several eggs at the same time instead of just one?

Usually all of the eggs die off except one

What is the function of the ovaries in a frog?

The function of the ovaries in a frog is to produce eggs. They have the same role as the ovaries in other animals.The function of a frog's ovaries are the same as any other animal. The frogs ovaries produce eggs which if fertilized will turn into babies.The ovaries in a frog are used to reproduce

How does a woman's stomach looks at one month in pregnancy?

it looks the same as it looked a month ago. it may feel different, but unless you are carrying triplets, no different.

How many days in a month did a woman menstruate?

About once every 28 days. However, there may be differences between one woman and another, and between one period and another for the same woman.