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Yes you can. I have had 2 normal pregnancies that were conceived naturally and carried to term (38 weeks and 39 weeks 4 days) without any complications.

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Q: Can a women have a succsessful pregnancy with a Bifurcated uterus?
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Why are women who had a tubal more at risk for an ectopic pregnancy?

because the fertalized egg is blocked from making it to the uterus and implants outside of the uterus

Do all women tear when giving birth?

The womb is the uterus and during pregnancy it expands. For the uterus to break it would usually take some physical violence.

Do pregnant women vaginal open?

The vagina is like before pregnancy but the cervix, the opening to the uterus, is closed by a mucus plug.

What does it mean when stated mild prominence of the uterus is given after a contrast CT scan?

It means the uterus is a little bigger than expected. This finding is common in women who have had more than one pregnancy.

Is it true that women face bladder problems during pregnancy?

Yes, many women face bladder problems during pregnancy, childbirth and the months that follow because your bladder is just below your uterus, which is expanding to hold your growing baby.

How early in pregnancy is leukorrhea seen?

Leucorrhea can occur at any time in women. In pregnant women, it can be seen as early as a few weeks since it is caused by hormone imbalances in the uterus and vagina.

Do all women have to pee a lot during pregnancy?

Yes, during pregnancy the uterus pushes against the bladder. thus the bladder can't hold as much urine and has to be relieve a lot more often.

What gender do Sexual Transmitted Diseases affect more of?

Women~ Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD's) affect women more severely than men, causing sterility more often in a women than in men, ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in which the embryo begins development outside the uterus), and cervical cancer. ;~)

Does the ovaries in the women make the placenta?

No - the placenta grows around the fetus in the uterus as part of the pregnancy. The ovaries just supply hormones and the egg that gets fertilized.

How do you fall pregnant with an inverted uterus?

There is no such condition as inverted uterus. Howeer, anteverted and retroverted uterus describe two different ways that the uterus can tip. An anteverted uterus tips forward towards the bladder. A retroverted uterus tips backward away from the bladder. Both anteverted and retroverted uteruses are normal. about 65-80% of women have an anteverted uterus, and 20-35% have retroverted. Pregnancy occurs the same way with anteverted and retrovertus uteruses.

Why would women want to fight in the war?

so they can prove to men that women can do things just as well as men can do also it helps them be more succsessful in life.

Why is that only girls and women have menstrual flow?

Firstly, some men menstruated too - anyone with a vagina, uterus, and ovaries can menstruate - it's not just girls and women who have these body parts. Females menstruate because we are the ones who get pregnant, the body prepares for pregnancy and if we don't fall pregnant the uterus lining sheds so it can renew again next cycle ready for the next possible pregnancy.