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Typically you don't need insurance in order to have a driver's license. If however you have violations on your driving record and are required to have an insurance policy in order to keep you license you should have no problem getting a non-owners policy.

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Q: Can an 18 year old get a non drivers insurance just to have a license?
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Related questions

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.

How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old who just got their drivers license?

It would cost a lot for someone that is sixteen years old and just got their driver's license. The best thing is to ask your insurance agent and see what he suggests.

If your 17 year old son just attained his drivers license must you notify your insurance company?

If he is going to drive any vehicles in your household, yes you need to notify them.

How do you trade your vehicle for a new vehicle with SR-22 insurance in Florida?

Just like you would with any other insurance policy. An SR-22 is merely an assurance from the insurance company that you will keep insurance for a year. The policy deals more with the insured than the vehicle. Often time drivers who do not have a vehicle can purchase this type of insurance in order to reinstate their drivers license. As far as changing vehicles just contact your insurance agent and they will take care of the change for you.

Are you penalized on your ins. if your 16 yr old doesnt have license?

If your 16 year old has no drivers license but drives your car and has an accident, your insurance premium could be negatively affected.

When can you get your drivers License in Georgia?

You can get you learners permit at 15 and your drivers license 1 year after you get you permit.

How can a non-US resident with a 10-year entry visa get liability insurance in order to buy a car in the US?

As long as you have a residence and a drivers license you should be able to get insurance.

What year did you have to have a drivers license?


Do you need a motorcycle licence to register your motorcycle in Nevada?

Sure dont. I registered my bike last year without my license. You just need your dealership paperwork, or bill of sale and your money. Also bring your proof of insurance. You will need at least a normal drivers license.

Does a 16-year-old who just got a class D license need insurance?


Is car insurance expensive for a 37 year old just getting license?

It's not bad.

Can an insurance company request the state to suspend your drivers license?

No, not usually. The insurance company has nothing to do with suspension of drivers licenses, that's up to the Department of Motor Vehicles or whatever it is in your state. I have seen times where a person owes an insurance company money from hitting an insured vehicle when the party at fault did not have insurance required by law. In these cases I have seen our state suspend a drivers license until the balance is paid in full to the insurance company. This is because it was due to failure to obey a state law of not driving without minimum required insurance limits. I saw once where a 15 year old could not get a license until this was paid off in full.