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Depends if the parents are heterozygous and homozygous. Homozygous meaning that they have the same alleles, heterozygous meaning that they have different alleles, but one allele is dominant.

If they have homozygous the chances are impossible, if they are heterozygous then there is a chance.

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14y ago

Punette Square.

If the mom is DOMINANT A, it looks like AA

If the mom is recessive A, it looks like Ai

if the dad is Dominant B, it looks like BB

If the dad is recessive B, it looks like Bi

O blood looks like ii

With a recessive A mom and a recessive B dad, the four possibilities are: AB, Bi, Ai, ii.

This is the only way they can have a child that has o blood. If either parent is dominant for their blood type, there is no possible way to have a child that is o.

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11y ago

Yes, it is quite possible for an O negative parent to have an O positive child. However, in order for this to occur, the other parent needs to have positive blood.

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16y ago

Yes, if both parents carried the recessive O.

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9y ago

No. If the mother or father is AO or BO, they can have a child who is OO.

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15y ago

Blood type is determined by the male parent; so, if the father has O+ blood, so will his children.

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12y ago

yes because if one parent is bloodtype O, then there is a possible chance that the offspring could be O.

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12y ago

Yes - this is possible. Both parents must be heterozygous, AO and BO. If either parent is homozygous, AA or BB, then they cannot have a child with blood group O.

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For parents with o+o, they will have kids with O type blood. For parents with A+A, they will have kids with A or O type blood. For parents with B+B, they will have kids with B or O type blood. Foe parents with AB+AB, they will have kids with AB, A or B type blood.

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Assuming your parents are I(a)I(a) and I(b)I(b) Baby will be I(a)I(b) AB blood If any of the parents are I(a)i or I(b)i Chances are they can be A, B or O Has to do with dominant and recessive genes.

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Can two parents with o positive blood have a baby with b positive blood?

Another has said: no chance. One of the parents must be b positive.

How can a baby have b negative blood when both parents are b positive?

If both parents have Type B blood the only blood type the child can have is either B or O not looking at whether one of the parents is negative or not.

Can baby have O positive if mother is B positive and father is A positive?

Yes, for parents with blood type A and B, the child can have blood types A, B, AB, or O

Is it possible for a baby to have a different blood type then the parents?

It is possible if your parents have different blood types. Example, if your father is A with a recessive O, and mother is B with a recessive O, you could easily land up with a O blood group. However, an AB father can have only an A, B or AB child depending on the mothers blood group, but surely NOT 'O.'

Can a baby have b- blood when parents have a plus and o plus?

No - this is not possible. The baby must inherit the B allele from one of it's parents - but neither of these parents have one. The only possibilities with these parents are blood type A or O, depending on whether the parent with A-type blood is heterozygous, AO, or homozygous, AA.

Can parents with O blood have b positive baby?

No, if both parents have O type blood they cannot have a child with B type blood. At least one parent would need to have type B or AB blood in order for the child to inherit a B allele.

Can O and A blood group parents have child?

Yes,but if the baby is blood type B then there is ABO incompatibility.