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Q: Can an o negative and an o positive have a child with a negative blood type?
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Can an AB Positive blood type mother and an O Positive blood type father have an A negative child or a B negative child?

Yes to both.

Can a woman with blood type O-positive and a man with blood type O-positive have a blood type A-positive child?

Yes. My mother is O positive and my father is O negative and I am O negative

Can negative blood type parent and positive blood type parent have an Rh negative blood type child?

yes, absolutely

Father is O positive and Mother is A positive what will child blood type be?

the child blood type will be A the child could be type A or O

If the mother has B positive blood and the father has O negative what would the child's blood type be?

B positive or negative or, O positive or negative.

Can a man with blood type a negative have a child with a lady with blood type a positive?

Yes. My mother is O positive and my father is O negative and I am O negative

Can a parent with O positive and a parent with O negative have any affect on the child?

If the mother has type negative blood, and the father and child have type positive blood, the mother's blood may begin to attack the child's.

Can a person that has o positive blood and a person with a positive blood make a child that has a negative blood?


Can two parents who have positive blood type have a child with negative blood type?

yes they can

Can parents with A negative mother and A positive father blood type have a child with an O positive blood type?


Can two parents with o positive have a child with a A negative blood type?

it is possible but the child can be a positive

Can a father with A-negative blood have a child with A-positive blood?

Yes, a father with A negative blood can have a child with A positive blood. If he does, the mother must have a positive Rh factor, and the mother's blood type may be any of the possibilities.