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One Opinion: Yes! If you plan on introducing a new rabbit to your female, please respect the principles of bonding (i.e. putting their cages near, then letting one bunny at a time out to scent the other one, etc.; there are many websites that describes the process in length). If you do not do so, they can attack each other and seriously hurt or maim each other. The sex of your rabbit has no importance in this matter.

Another Opinion: I am a rabbit breeder and have found there are zero issues but only IF the female is placed in the males cage for mating females are very territorial of there space.

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12y ago
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14y ago

No. Usually females dont fight males. They are more tolerant than that. More peaceful. But if the desexed rabbit has mated with her, then she might go through this thing called false pregnancy. It is when she thinks she is pregnant but she is not. She will get headaches and become a bit sick.she will also pull out hair and build nest but after 35 days if she does not have a baby it is a false prego

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14y ago

It depends on the rabbit - however, male rabbits tend to get aggressive and obsessively hump female rabbits - which, in turn, makes the female rabbit aggressive and distressed. Unless you are planning on breeding your rabbits, or are willing to watch over them so that no injuries are sustained, desexing makes for friendlier rabbits.

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12y ago

well it is advisable that she is in her own hutch (cage/ enclosure) for the pregnancy and a few weeks after the babies are born as she wont want any interference

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Q: Will a female rabbit kill a desexed male rabbit if another male rabbit is around not in the same cage with the female and desexed male?
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A female rabbit is referred to as a doe.

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A female rabbit is referred to as a "doe", or "jill".

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Another name for a baby rabbit is a kitten. A baby male rabbit is called the same as a baby girl rabbit. You can call a female rabbit a Doe and a male rabbit a Buck. Hope that helped

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