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Anacondas can eat tree frogs. :) hope it helps!

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Q: Can anacondas eat red eyed tree frogs?
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Where do red eyed tree frogs get there resources?

they eat

Do red eyed tree frogs eat crickets?


Do red eyed tree frogs eat mosqitos?

I think so

What is the most common insect that the red eyed tree frogs eat?


Why do red eyed tree frogs eat meat?

Because meat has protein and they are hungry.

Are red eyed tree frogs omnivores?

No they are not. They eat insects mostly, so they are herbivores.

Do red eyed tree frogs eat assassin bugs?

yes but only when it is hurt

Do red eyed tree frogs eat wax worms?

No!! Of course they don't! If they did wax worms would be extinct, also red eyed tree frogs would blow up because they are allergic! I hope i have answered your question.

How do red eyed tree frogs eat food?

they caught their food and swallow it By hassan al-assadi

What can a green tree frog live with?

They can live with other green tree frogs, red eyed tree frogs, and other similar sized lizards or frogs and toads. pets to avoid are dumpy tree frogs which will eat them, and poisonous dart frogs or other poisonous or aggressive amphibians or reptiles.

Does a bald eagle eat red eyed tree frogs?

That isn't possible because bald eagles live in North America and red eyed tree frogs live in the tropical rainforest of Central America. Red eyed tree frogs are non-poisonous however, so I suppose that if they did live in the same habitat, bald eagles might occasionally eat them. However, bald eagles primarily hunt fish, like salmon, or small mammals, like rabbits and mice, and only occasionally eat frogs.

How does a red-eyed tree frog get its food?

its long sticky tongue